Do you Agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people and established facts.
- Introduction
- 让步段,承认non-fiction 的一些优点,比如信息量大,符合事实 (informative, factual)
- 举反例证明虚构情节的书同样重要
- Fairy tale books stimulate children’s imagination and creativity.
- Detective novels are entertaining because they keep readers in suspense.
- Science fiction often turn out to be accurate predictions about future technology.
- 结论,应该多读书,读好书,但不要限制自己看书的选择
- Don’t confine your interests about books to one particular ==genre==
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?
- Introduction
- Old structures abound in urban areas today, But their relevance modern life has been a highly contentious issue.
- 提出分论点 ,有些老房子该拆
- 老房子年久失修 (==decrepit== and often unsafe)
- 破坏市容 (spoil the appearance of cities)
- 城市人口激增需要新的高楼(The urban population boom calls for construction of high-rise structures)
- 还有些老房子不该拆,然后继续还可以进一步分类
- building of historic value
- historic building with specific ::esthetic:: value
- historic landmarks
- unique ethnic architecture
- 结论 城市发展必须拆掉一些老房子,但是有特殊价值的应该被保护 (should be effectively preserved)
- Team & Trust
- Mind & Skill
- Socialization & Competition
- ==Tenacity== & Pressure
- Rights & Responsibilities
- Environment & Health
- Employment & Efficiency
- Culture & Tradition
- Money & Enjoyment
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which one is better?
- Concentrating on one single subject helps students gain specialized knowledge more efficiently. —Efficiency
- The exploration of a wide range of subjects can expand students’ outlook —Mind
- Understanding a wide variety of subjects helps students find a job more easily after graduation. —Employment
Studying subjects like music and painting deepens students’ understanding of the arts and culture in general —Culture
what is mention is that we are good at doing things that we used to do.